What We Offer

If you run seminars, you know that a lot of planning goes into creating a successful outcome. But do you know how successful or unsuccessful your seminars truly are? Do you know what location produces the highest ROI? What zipcode is advantageous to send mailers to for the best response rate? Your cost per client? What about show-up rates? Track That Seminar has all this and more to be the financial advisor’s ally in knowing their firm’s seminar metrics.

Company Headshots

What Can Track That Seminar Tell Me?

Advisors who sign up for Track That Seminar can monitor a number of KPIs, including:

  • Response rates for RSVPs/mailers, which can be broken down by topic, invite style and presenter

  • Sales cicle progression for prospects, which can be segmented by topic, ZIP code and seminar type ("seminar prospect story")

  • Show-up rate

  • Conversion rate for appointment/attended

  • Return on investment (ROI)

  • Cost per client

  • Production issued

  • Production written

  • Average case size

Track That Seminar also compares your firm’s information side-by-side with nationwide benchmarks so you can make data driven decisions and see where your improvements can be made or see where you thrive in comparison to others.

Any Tracking Company Just Won't Do

You need someone with specific industry knowledge to ask the right questions and track the right data.


We've been in this industry for nearly a decade

Track That Seminar advises on over 1 billion dollars of Annuity and AUM business. Coaching calls include a wealth of knowledge about current trends, ROI averages and problem solving ideas for areas of weakness due to working with Advisors nationwide.

You, as a business owner should not be spending (wasting) your time analyzing your books and marketing strategies, you should be focused on selling and closing. You also shouldn't be paying someone in your office who is designated to be working on day-to-day operations and future planning. Allow them to stay present and future focused. We are here to look back and see where you can go from there.